We can provide physical bell or buzzer systems that can be controlled wirelessly or your computer network. We also have a Wifi and IP – PoE system that can provide deliver a variety of tones and sounds to speakers inside and outside your plant.
Call Today and speaks with an expert on our alert systems and we can quickly provide a price quote and additional information. Please call 800-964-5749 or click the Quick Quote Button.
Accurate, Reliable, Synchronized Bell or Buzzer Schedules are important for K-12 Schools, Warehousing and Manufacturing. The ability to initiate a physical bell or play a variety of tones and or a pre-recorded message is exactly what our solutions are designed to do.
Wireless Bell System work with your existing physical bells so that your system can be accurate, reliable and dependable…
School Bell Scheduling Software allows you to adjust bell schedules, create new schedules and play a variety of sounds in a easy straight forward manner…
Paging Bell Tone System provide for great flexibility in the type of sounds, music and tones that are generated and played at a scheduled time…
Warehousing and Manufacturing Alert Systems can organize tasks, breaks and other operational aspects with the sound of a horn or buzzer and voice if needed…
Many times an organization has existing bells that are connected to a master bell system but the master bell controller is not working properly. This is where our wireless solution can resolve the situation so that accurate reliable synchronized bell scheduling system is achieved.
The wireless system is also perfect for when an organization wants to install new bells. We solve the problem! If you have physical bells typically these rarely fail. It is the school master clock box that fails.
The resolution of this problem is relevantly quite straightforward. Our Bell Controller will replace the central master unit and thereby control your school bells.
We provide two different Bell Controllers. We offer a wireless controller and a network based controller. These controller solutions are perfect for different organizations.
The wireless controller consist of three parts; time transmitter, bell controller and physical bells. The time transmitter is a plug and play device that delivers accurate GPS time. The bell controller receives the time so that it can activate your bell schedule at the precise time. The bell controller will hold your bell schedule on a SD card and is wired to your physical bell.
Our network based bell controller is connect to your Ethernet network and to your physical bells. The scheduling software resides on a PC based computer. The controller will activate the bells automatically at the schedule time. You can store a number of bell schedules and activate them on the appropriate day.
On of our project managers can easily determine which controller will be the most advantageous for your particular situation and outline a simple installation plan.
If you would like to talk to someone right now to understand your options please call 800-964-5749 or click the Quick Quote Button.
The ability for a school to play a variety of tones or music at a scheduled time is important to block off the school day. We offer a couple different solutions depending on what you need to accomplish. This option also allows you to use your existing Wi-Fi or Ethernet network for operational and critical communications.
School Speakers
Please contact us TODAY and we will provide you with affordable options 800-964-5749, or for more detailed information on our Wi-Fi Speaker System and our Ethernet Speaker System Please visit our Public Address Paging Solutions page.
School Class Scheduling Systems enable individual schools and school district administrators to ensure that bells ring on time, all the time. The efficiency and productivity of the school day is enhanced when class changes take place on a reliable and accurate time schedule.
School bells are what frame the educational blocks of a school day. An accurate and reliable bell system enables educators to get the most out of each day for their students.
Our advanced scheduling software provides a school with the convenience and flexibility to tailor their system to the requirements with ease.
One of our project managers will be able to identify what software solution will be the ideal fit for your school. For more information please visit our School Bell Scheduling Software page.
If you would like to discuss your need TODAY to Get Your Scheduling Solution for your School! 800-964-5749